I’m a Professional Content Writer — Do I Need an AI Copywriting Tool?

We get it… you’re a total boss at churning out killer content.

But you’ve recently heard about AI copywriting tools and how they can assist with a number of different writing tasks.

Now you’re wondering if an AI copywriting tool is a must-have for your content writing toolkit?

The internet is buzzing with tons of new information about AI copywriting tools, so let’s debunk some of the most common myths and misconceptions before we go any further.

5 Common Myths About AI Copywriting Tools

MYTH: AI copywriting tools can only be used to create persuasive sales copy.

FACTS: While AI copywriting tools can certainly be used to create persuasive sales copy, they can also be utilized for a variety of other writing tasks — such as creating website content, blog articles, social media posts, email campaigns, and more.

AI copywriting tools are designed to help you create all types of different content, it just depends on how you choose to use them.

MYTH: AI copywriters will produce uninteresting content that is lower quality than human writers.

FACTS: AI copywriting tools can be trained to produce content that is extremely engaging and informative.

When you combine the creativity and finesse of a human writer, with the speed and efficiency of an AI copywriter, you’ll be able to consistently create high-quality content that provides a lot of value to readers.

MYTH: AI copywriters will produce content that is factually incorrect or misleading.

FACTS: AI technology produces output based on the instructions it is given.

If an AI copywriting tool is trained on reliable data, and is programmed with clear instructions, it can produce content that is just as accurate as human writers.

MYTH: AI copywriters require a steep learning curve and it may be difficult to integrate the use of them in current workflows.

FACTS: There are a number of AI copywriting tools that are specifically designed to be user-friendly and can be seamlessly integrated into the existing workflows of content writers.

The primary goal of an AI writing tool is to make it easier for you to produce and distribute quality content more quickly, therefore most good AI copywriting tools will allow you to integrate the use of them fairly easily.

MYTH: AI copywriting tools are expensive.

FACTS: While some AI copywriting tools can certainly be expensive in terms of the initial investment or ongoing monthly subscription fees — this is not true for all.

There are a now some budget-friendly options available that produce amazing results and are either totally free (such as Alphabird AI), or have very low upfront costs and monthly fees.

Should I Be Using an AI Copywriting Tool as a Professional Content Writer in 2023?

The short answer is YES.

You’ve probably heard that the world of content creation is being revolutionized by artificial intelligence, machine learning, and AI copywriting tools.

They are quickly becoming the go-to method for producing engaging content.
And the time has come for content writers to either adapt to this new technology or get left behind.

Remember what happened to Blockbuster and Kodak when they didn’t adapt to new technology?

That’s right, they quickly became obsolete and were soon out of business.

It’s important for you to realize that AI technology is a complete game-changer for professional content writers and this is definitely not a passing trend.

So even though you’re a pro at producing top-notch content, you should definitely be using an AI copywriter to help you keep up with the competition and to take the quality of your work to the next level.

Who Else Can Benefit From Using an AI Copywriter?

AI copywriting tools have the potential to significantly improve the efficiency, quality of work, scalability, and income for a variety of different professionals who provide content creation services.
People who will benefit the most from using AI copywriting technology include:

  • Content marketers
  • Copywriters
  • Bloggers
  • SEO experts
  • Journalists
  • Technical writers
  • Marketing professionals
  • Website content creators
  • Social media managers
  • Email marketers
  • Ad copywriters

How Will an AI Copywriting Tool Help Improve My Work?

If you want to survive as a professional content writer, you should always be looking for ways to perfect your craft and streamline your workflow.

Below are some examples of how an AI copywriter can help you with your content writing and drastically improve the quality of your work:

Saves You Time and Money

Now you can pump out larger quantities of content in record time with less manpower, because AI will do the majority of heavy lifting for you.

This allows you to increase productivity, take on more work, and multiply your income as a professional content writer.

Improves Your Grammar and Spelling

AI copywriters will produce error-free content that has no grammar or spelling mistakes within the text.

This will give you more confidence in your writing abilities and ensure professionalism in all of your work.

Enhances Your Creativity

Come up with fresh ideas and new perspectives by commanding your AI writing tool to suggest alternative word choices and rephrasing of sentences.

This significantly reduces the amount of time wasted with writer’s block and allows you to spend more time developing new ideas.

Provides Consistency in Your Writing Style

Maintain a consistent tone and style in your writing — which is extremely important when working with long-term clients, on large projects, or as part of a team.

This ensures the branding and messaging of your written content is cohesive and always on-point.

Improves Your Skill Set and Capabilities

Using an AI copywriting tool will improve your current skill set and enhance your capabilities as a professional content writer.

This will allow you take on a variety of new tasks, provide you with more opportunities, and let you expand your areas of expertise.

Keeps Your Clients Happy

The use of artificial intelligence allows you to consistently produce higher quality work, finish projects faster, meet tight deadlines, and keep your clients happy.

This will ultimately lead to repeat business, positive recommendations, more clients, and growth for you as a professional content writer.

Don’t Get Left Behind by Your Competition — Start Using an AI Copywriting Tool TODAY!

Professional copywriters and content writers who want to stay competitive in today’s marketplace must embrace AI copywriting tools immediately.

AI copywriting tools have completely changed the way people write content and it’s safe to say this technology is here to stay.

By utilizing AI technology, you can produce high-quality content in a fraction of the time it would take to do it manually.

So don’t let indecision and late adoption of technology be your downfall as a professional content writer.

Don’t Get Left Behind by Your Competition — Start Using an AI Copywriting Tool TODAY!

Tired of straining your brain to come up with the perfect words for social media posts, blog articles, and website copy?

Look no further, because Alphabird AI is here to do all of the heavy lifting for you!

Unlike other AI copywriters on the market, Alphabird doesn’t charge you for usage — it’s absolutely free.

No hidden fees, no word limits, no problem.

Forget about those overpriced AI copywriting tools that charge per word and are packed with unnecessary features you don’t need.

Alphabird AI produces amazing results and is accessible to everyone 100% FREE!

Sign up for Alphabird AI today and take the first step towards future-proofing your content writing business.

We guarantee you’ll be impressed.

Don’t just be a good writer — be a great one with the help of Alphabird AI.