Adopt or Die: Why You Need an AI Copywriter in Your Writing Business ASAP!

What do Kodak, Blockbuster, and Blackberry phones all have in common?

If your answer involves words like outdated, obsolete, and out business then you would be correct!

These companies were all industry leaders at one point, but they failed to adapt to new technologies and quickly became irrelevant.

It’s no secret that artificial intelligence and machine learning are revolutionizing the world of content creation.

And now it’s time for content writers to either shape up or ship out.

But don’t start packing your bags just yet…

The truth is we are still in the very early stages of AI copywriting tools, so there’s still time to learn and master these new technologies before your competition does.

But make no mistake folks, if you don’t start utilizing these tools now as a copywriter, content writer, or content creator — you might soon find yourself outdated, obsolete, and out of business like the three companies we mentioned above.

AI Copywriting Tool: A Job-Stealing Robot or a Writer’s Best Friend?

The truth is, AI is not here to replace you as an exceptional content writer — it’s here to help you produce even better results.

Think of AI as more of a trusty sidekick, kind of like Robin was to Batman or Shaggy was to Scooby Doo.

A wingman you can rely on to help make your life easier when it comes to creating high-quality content on a consistent basis.

Or if it makes you feel better, think of AI as that lower-level work colleague, someone who you can boss around to do all of your heavy lifting and tedious work.

AI copywriters ultimately free up more time for you to focus on the more creative aspects of writing, such as coming up with new ideas and developing engaging storylines for your audience.

As a writer and content creator it’s important to remember that an AI copywriting tool is exactly what it says it is — it’s a tool.

And a tool is only as good as the person who is using it.

AI writing tools can certainly assist you, but they can’t completely replace the wit, humor, creativity, and human touch that makes your writing style unique… at least not yet anyway.

So, How Can You Utilize AI Copywriting Tools to Produce Better Quality Content?

1. Generate Ideas

Let’s face it, coming up with new ideas all of the time can be a real pain in the brain!

But with an AI copywriter it’s like you’ve got your own personal brainstorming buddy, who never gets tired or runs out of ideas.

AI will analyze data, find patterns, and even help you identify trending topics in your niche.

While you sit back, relax, and sip on your coffee.

And don’t worry about keyword research to understand which topics your target audience wants to read about.

AI’s got that covered too and will know exactly what to write after you give it a few command prompts.

2. Create Content

Say goodbye to staring at a blank page trying to get that new article started.

An AI copywriting tool will help kick-start your projects and assist you with writing all of your content.

And make sure your sentence structure, tone of voice, and vocabulary are all on point.

You can also trust AI to catch all of your typos and grammar mistakes, saving you from that cringe-worthy moment when your boss or client points them out in front of the whole team.

It’s sort of like having your own personal in-house editor, without all of the judging looks and red ink.

And if you’re really stuck for time or just feeling extra lazy, AI can even help you generate headlines, meta descriptions, and write entire articles for you.

3. Optimize Content

Want to level up your SEO and improve search engine rankings?

Let AI become your own personal search engine optimization consultant.

Some AI copywriting tools can give you tips on how to improve your content to rank for targeted keywords.

Such as giving you advice on how to improve the readability of your writing, recommending density of keywords, and even identifying opportunities for internal linking within your content.

4. Repurpose Content

Tired of seeing old content sitting around and gathering dust?

AI copywriters can help you breathe new life into old pieces of writing, by helping you ‘spin’ it and repurpose it into new pieces of content.

With the help of an AI copywriter you’ll be able to give your old content a facelift, and get the most out of existing content by giving it a second chance to shine.

Let’s Get Real: You Know You Can’t Compete with the Power of AI Technology

As much as we all like to think of ourselves as content writing machines, the truth is there are some things that we just can’t compete with when it comes to AI copywriting tools.

For starters, AI can function at peak performance without taking breaks, getting tired, or even needing a coffee break.

They also never suffer from writer’s block, or have their creativity impacted by moods, negative feelings, and other emotional factors that can hinder a human’s ability to perform at their very best.

And let’s not forget, AI copywriting tools can process and analyze massive amounts of data in a matter of seconds.

Where it could take a human hours, days, or even weeks to complete the same task.

AI copywriting tools can create high-quality content again and again, without ever experiencing a slump in creativity or productivity.

Seriously, how is a mere mortal human like yourself going to compete with that?

Keep Up or Get Kicked Out of The Content Writing Industry

When it comes to choosing if you want to use an AI copywriting tool or not — realistically you don’t have any other choice.

Let’s face it, the content writing industry is already a crowded marketplace.

And it’s is only getting more competitive by the day.

In 2023 and beyond, the writers who will come out on top are going to be the writers who embrace AI technology to the fullest.

So if you don’t start using an AI copywriting tool asap, your career as a content writer might be over sooner than you think.

Don't Get Left Behind — Embrace the Future and Start Using Alphabird AI Today!

Are you tired of struggling to come up with the perfect words for your social media posts, blog articles, and website copy?

Say goodbye to writer’s block and hello to Alphabird AI!

Unlike those other over-hyped AI copywriting tools out there, Alphabird AI is not just for the big brands with the big budgets.

We believe that everyone should have access to the power of AI copywriting, which is why we offer UNLIMITED word generation for FREE.

No hidden fees, no word limits, no problem.

Don’t let your content writing services become outdated and irrelevant in the golden age of AI.

Sign up for Alphabird AI today and take the first step towards future-proofing your content writing business.

Don’t become a dinosaur during the AI copywriting revolution.

Embrace the future and let artificial intelligence do the heavy lifting for you.